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If you're on a smaller budget, but you want to help a little bit, you can send money by using the PayPal donation box here.

Page Images and Pictures

We work hard to find, scan, photograph, and process (in Photoshop) magazine and book page images for our files. We can't do it all ourselves. If you collect old magazines and/or travel history materials, would like to help us find more good material to share with the world write us. We can use scans you already have, or make scans or digital photographs. We'll be happy to give you a copy of the scan, and (depending on the resolution) a hard-copy print of the image. And we'll give you credit in our gallery of Friends, if you want it.


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Our advertisers help us defray the costs of running this site.

You'll also find Google ads tucked in discreetly at the bottom of many of our pages. In general they advertise things that will be interesting to you if you are interested in the page you're reading. When you click through on one of these ads, we get a few (very few) cents. Click away!

Most recent update: 26 May 2011



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Direct Links  
  > You Must Go On
   Vacation for Your


> Tent-camping in
   India, 1904

> Christmas in
   Bethlehem, 1896

> Christmas in
   Switzerland, 1921

> Walk Africa, from
   Cape to Cairo, 1898

> Christmas at the
   101 Ranch, 1908

> Exploring Central
   Asia, 1897

> Klondike Gold
   Rush, 1897

> New York to
   Georgia by
   Car, 1908

> Vladivostok,

> H. Rider Haggard on
   The Nile River, 1908

> Christmas in
   Munich, 1908

> New Boston 
   Public Library,

> Algiers, 1892
> Trans-Siberian

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